Welcome to Trinity College London in China

Transforming lives through the power of communication and performance.

Trinity College London believes that effective communicative and performance skills are life enhancing, know no bounds and should be within reach of us all.

We exist to promote and foster the best possible communicative and performance skills through assessment, content and training which is innovative, personal and authentic.

Trinity College London, established in 1872, is a leading international exam board and independent education charity that has been providing assessments around the world since 1877. We specialise in the assessment of communicative and performance skills covering music, drama, combined arts and English language.

With over 850,000 candidates a year in more than 60 countries worldwide, Trinity qualifications are specifically designed to help students progress.

Our aim is to inspire teachers and learners through the creation of assessments that are enjoyable to prepare for, rewarding to teach and that develop the skills needed in real life.

Recognition of Trinity’s exams in Mainland China

Trinity ESOL examinations are used, recognised or recommended by the following organisations in China:

  • The Beijing Education Examinations Authority (BEEA)
  • The Hubei Examinations Authority (HBEA)
  • Liaoning Provincial Education Bureau
  • The National Foreign Language Teaching & Research Association (NFLTRA)
  • The Chinese Athletes Educational Foundation (CAEF)


University and higher education recognition

Trinity College London's Level 3 qualifications (Grades 6-8) in Drama, Music performance and Music theory are included in the UK Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) tariff, and attract UCAS points for university and higher education entry in the UK.

Why choose Trinity?

Teachers and students choose Trinity because:

  • we understand the transformative power of communication and performance
  • our qualifications help ensure candidates make progress by providing carefully levelled stepping stones that build confidence and enjoyment while continuing to extend and challenge
  • we aim to design assessments that have a positive impact on student learning, engagement and achievement
  • we encourage candidates to bring their own choices and interests into our exams — this motivates students and makes the assessment more relevant and enjoyable
  • our flexible exams give candidates the opportunity to perform to their strengths and interests
  • our qualifications are accessible to candidates of all ages and from all cultures
  • our highly qualified and friendly examiners are trained to put candidates at their ease and provide maximum encouragement.